A Gladiator With Cracked Obsidian Armor And A Gravity Gauntlet

Image Prompt

"A gladiator with cracked obsidian armor and a gravity gauntlet fights in a zero-G arena near a collapsing star. Her opponent: a holographic clone of herself, corrupted by a black hole’s influence. The battlefield is a ring of floating debris, surrounded by a swirling accretion disk. Details: Foreground: Shattered asteroids and glowing energy shards hover in slow motion. Midground: The gladiator punches through a holographic clone, releasing a burst of dark matter particles. Background: A dying star collapses into a singularity, warping spacetime into a kaleidoscopic vortex. Effects: Parallax motion: Fast-moving debris in the foreground vs. slow warping of the starfield. Lighting: Neon-red holograms contrast with the gladiator’s void-black armor and the star’s blinding white light. Style: Doctor Strange meets Gladiator (2000), rendered in Unreal Engine 5 with black hole shaders and zero-G physics."

Creation Date

08.03.2025 22:53


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