A Warrior Clad In Armor Forged From Starlight Battles A Black

Image Prompt

"A warrior clad in armor forged from starlight battles a black hole entity in a shattered dimension. Her constellation-covered skin glows gold as she wields a sword that bends spacetime, slicing through debris of dead planets. Details: Foreground: A swirling vortex of cosmic dust and shattered asteroids. Midground: The champion’s blade creates micro-singularities, pulling enemy drones into oblivion. Background: A dying galaxy spirals into the black hole, its light warping around the warrior’s silhouette. Effects: Parallax motion: Slow camera rotation with foreground debris moving faster than the collapsing galaxy. Lighting: Brilliant gold constellations contrast with the black hole’s gravitational lensing and dark matter tendrils. Style: Thor: Ragnarok meets Annihilation , rendered in Unreal Engine 5 with cosmic shaders and particle simulations."

Creation Date

08.03.2025 22:48


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