Black-haired Caucasian Woman Being Forced To Keep Eating At An

Image Prompt

Black-haired Caucasian woman being forced to keep eating at an extreme weight gain restaurant, messily feasting, vintage polaroid photo with grain, particilar emphasis on how gigantically hyper-obese the woman, she far surpasses human limits of size, in the background beautiful women stare at her, she has multiple double chins and very huge pillowy arms, her thighs are extremely wide, her belly is overstuffed and stretching to bursting point, she is gigantically massive taking up the entire room, she at the buffet being forcefed, her backside is gigantically fat, she has grown too big and yet is determined to keep eating, every limb has thick rolls of blubbery fat, force feeding, chef is forcing her to eat more, she is expanding outwards, a large buffet is being filled with food and she is forcing the food directly into her mouth as she swells with fat to impossible size and is close to bursting, at the same she is eating weight gain formula causing her to grow even fatter

Creation Date

24.02.2025 17:11


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