Close On A Wooden Desk Centered In Front Of A Very Tall Bay Window

Image Prompt

Close on a wooden desk centered in front of a very tall bay window. The window features multiple glass panes of equal size with natural wood mullions and framing. It's a stormy night outside. Spattered rain drops sparkle on the window glass, scattering the light from the amber-colored full moon, which peaks through dense, dark clouds and the limbs of several large trees. The vibe inside is dark and gothic. A piece of blank, yellowed parchment paper lies flat on the wood desktop. A feathered quill pen lies at the very bottom of the parchment. An inkwell and a cordless computer mouse sit to the right of the parchment. Centered near the back of the desk, a large, sleek, modern computer monitor with a 16:9 aspect ratio and a silver bezel displays a gray-white screen. A small, gray cat with three gray paws and one white paw sits on the left side of the desk and stares intently down at the parchment paper. At the back of the desk on the right side, an old oil lamp burns. The yellow flame from its wick provides a warm but dim illumination to the otherwise dark, shadowy ambience.

Creation Date

05.12.2024 07:06


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